
Jenni Rudolph

”Perfect Recipe” - song written for Mary
-- read lyrics

commissioned in partnership with Berklee College of Music’s Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship and Mercy Beyond Borders

Jenni Rudolph is a songwriter and musician from Huntington Beach, California, pursuing a degree in Songwriting with a minor in Recording and Production at Berklee College of Music. She fuses infectious melodies and grooves drawn from funk and R&B music with intricate, authentic lyricism, focusing on the uncomfortable dualities and contradictions in human emotion and in society. Jenni was the youngest featured songwriter in the 2018 Johnny Mercer Foundation Songwriters Project in Evanston, IL. Her next musical project is an album showcasing the stories and struggles of strong women in her life, in collaboration with several talented female co-writers and vocalists. She is passionate about the art of songwriting as a catalyst for change and empowerment. More information about Jenni and her music can be found at