
Gabriel Morales

Gabriel Morales was born in Roanoke, VA. At a very young age he started to appreciate a wide range of music genres. At the age of ten he started to play the guitar and showed a special affinity for Rock and Blues guitar playing- which he did with great maturity and expression -“like a grown man” (Two-Time Grammy Award-winner, Michael League of Snarky Puppy). The late Michael “Iron Man” Burks (1957-2012) once referred to Gabe as “Guitar Gabe”. Gabe Morales is a guitarist, musician, song-writer and performer. His songwriting is about life-a personal insight while living in the midst of the everyday life experience. His sound is continuously evolving; he is constantly studying the work of great musicians of all genres. His music includes elements of blues, jazz, classic rock and influences from Latin American folk music. In addition, his music is energetic, and at the same time invites listeners to reflect on daily challenges, feats, and defeats. When performing the blues, Gabe brings the blues legends of past and present to the stage and stands on their shoulders as he tells their stories and bends the strings of his red SG.